FREE online courses on Concepts of Ayurveda - Pitarapaka or Physical Change
In contrast to the views held by the
Vaiseshikas regarding chemical changes, the Nyaya school hold that the molecules
and large aggregates assume new characteristics under thermal influence without
undergoing decomposition into homogenous atoms (paramanus) or the change of
atomic character. In other words, the Pitaras or molecules ( the material of the
clay pot which is stated to be composed of numerous Pitaras ) undergo
transformations and whatever changes may due to thermal influence in them
results merely in a physical change of molecules concerned. It does not in any
case involve the atoms of the Pitaras. A pitara is stated to consist of two or
more atoms. The change in colour (i.e.) from black to red is stated to be really
a change in the colour of the pitaras.
It will be seen from the foregoing that the
main factor concerned in Pakas or physical, chemical, physico - chemical and bio
- physical reactions, is Kala or Time, and this is perhaps the reason why the
Vaiseshikas accorded this factor the status of a Dravya.